Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Who let the pointer drive?

Not the best of days starting with waking up at 5am yes technically it was 6 but it soo wasn't. Hellish wild night so i was quite anxious to get to the lambing field. Only one had lambed but we could not despite searching and searching find her lamb the ewe also couldn't find it. These guys came as back up search dogs in last ditch attempt at finding it. Nope.

Then we had lovely hail showers and heavy rain went out to check in the afternoon and one ewe had a lamb that had fed but was looking a bit cold so brought her in. On the way in one of the silly lambs followed the buggy so i stopped and got out to sort it and came across a cold weak newborn in a puddle. Couldnt find its mum after a wee wander so decided to get my cargo to the shed sort it then head back to find the ewe. Found her near where her lamb was so she is now in with her lamb. Her lamb is very cold so fingers crossed it perks up. Then in the outside shed one of my old shetlands has lambed twins both male i was hoping for girls from her. Never mind! Well dinner time then back out to check again.

6c heavy haily rain showers

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