
By Fisherking

...........totally engrossed............., would you believe it.............Songs of Praise!

Charlie and Hannah in one of Grandbads new chairs....that's my new name........Charlie is learning to read, write and spell......but she sometimes mixes up her b's ans d's.

Rob and Sue came bearing Easter eggs............and left bearing wine.
The tribe all arrived.............the food was wonderful..........and the house was filled with noise.....and conversation......and laughter...........and love......things that have largely been missing since the evening after the funeral....and that was fueled by copious amounts of alcohol. It was wonderful to hear...but also, for me, tinged with sadness, reminding me that soon, when the Daughter moves out, the house will be quiet and full of memories that I won't be able to avoid. everyone tells day at a time........and I'll take a day like today any time I can.
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p.s Thanks for all the hearts, stars and comments on my last two entries, it means more than you can imagine.

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