Capital adventures

By marchmont

Easter Sunday

The family are coming - J and D, #3 son and #1 gf and the house guest, J.  

I started the day with a swim.  It was good as the pool was almost empty, probably due to the clocks changing.  Came home to Whatsapp my cousin in Berwick, Vic and skype the family.  Olivia wasn't speaking today - too engrossed in the flashcardss on her mother's i-phone and her book to speak but I did speak to #1 son about his plans.  34 tomorrow!

Got ready for the meal tonight - traditional roast lamb, preprepped rosemary potatoes and veg.  I had to nip out in a gap between the very heavy showers to get some haricot blancs. And i made a lattice apple pie with the last of E's apples. 

And I had some time to myself - so I did cross stitch the first time I have picked it up since last October.  The plan is to sew and listen to my book at the same time - it seems to work.  'Coffin Road' is a great 'read'. 

The visitors arrived together bang on 6 and we had an interesting evening, tasting JMS, eating and drinking.  I found myself getting very irritated.  Have I lost the art of entertaining? The young ones are of an age - 22+, 24+ and 28+.  

Everyone left just after 10, I finsished the fizz and had a wee bit chocolate - well that's what Easter is all about isn't it?

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