m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper

Maison de Couze

We made it to Bergerac safely without any delays and I have to say Leeds Bradford Airport was a joy to fly from. It's much smaller than Newcastle but I actually preferred that. I would definitely fly from this airport again.

We were greeted at Bergerac with some much needed sunshine as well as the lovely Keith who transported us to Maison de Couze where Bill was waiting with the drinks. After a few cocktails and quick change into our shorts and sandals we were feeling suitable chilled already. We ate al fresco and managed to polish off 4 bottles of Rose during lunch followed by Coffee and a Port. We had just enough time for a siesta before heading into Lalinde for dinner this evening.

This is the back of Maison de Couze in the evening sunshine.

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