Calm after the storm

Well katie raged all night but by morning was gone! So up early to see to the allotment girls. I had secured the coop and bins and my compost bins the previous night - got home wet through but happy! All was fine on the plot and after doing the usual chores I pegged down one part of the fence that I'd spotted the previous night was gaping a little. As i was doing this I casually looked up and to my horror saw the fence was down completely in another part and most of the chickens had hot footed over it and were happily scratching and pecking on the bounty beyond! I spent a good 45 minutes getting them all back in - some were easy, but others like Doris and Daisy were not and I chased the last 4 in and out the brambles and up and down the fence line! If it had rained they would have been much more amenable at going back but as it was I had to chase and catch them! The rain came once all were back! My blip is one of the muddy puddles on the path to the allotment! Finally they were a boon not a hindrance! 

I spent the afternoon watching my newbies go in and out their coop with the sudden rain downpours!  Henrietta is the Head girl of the three, but Tilly still rules supreme! At one point all 3 came in the conservatory to eat some grain I had spilt - progress! All 3 had a good cuddle over the course of the afternoon, well I found it good! I stroked them gently and told them how pretty and good they were!

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