
By Madchickenwoman

A Very Special Place

I took friend to St Nectan's Glen today. I'd been told it was a sacred place and that I would feel this. I did.
The journey was made in a mizzle that turned to thick fog, but shortly before arriving at Trevethy, a few houses along the edge of the coastal road towards Tintagel, it lifted. We walked away from the coast, past the quaint St Piran's Church and a Roman pillar, then into the ancient woodland along the River  Trevillet. There was no one else there, it was quiet and felt timeless. As we walked into the valley fairy Stacks appeared in the river, pillars of flat stone. A short steep climb and we arrived, ribbons could be seen through the trees and we could hear the rush of water.
We were given wellington boots and down we went. Such a beautiful sight - bright ribbons and other items hung from the trees, coins ran along fallen trees, pushed in on their sides so the trees looked like some sleeping ancient reptiles, stones with words engraved on them lay under the water, one simply said "Mum".
Having photographed the ribbons I made my way to the back and the waterfall. O my life - stunning, cascading down the rocks, pooling in the basin and then gushing through the circular hole.
There was a man taking photographs and he kindly offered me his tripod - he also gave advice on camera settings and we swapped photo sites - he is wavepower99 on Instagram - have not looked yet but I'm expecting his photographs to be good going on his canon eos! 
We tied ribbons on the trees - the place is a site of pilgrimage for people looking for healing - spiritual, emotional, physical. I'm sure with friend you can guess which I hoped for as I tied my ribbon. 
After lunch and the purchase of a WorryStone for me - I kid you not! I put my camera down to put on my boots and noticed it right next to where I put it! - we set off for Rocky Valley, stopping at the church on the way.
Rocky Valley has two Labyrinthine wall carvings, dating from 1800-1400 BC or much later according to some!There were more ribbons and daffodils laid above them on a rocky shelf.
We then walked on down the valley to the sea - more waterfalls and black slate canyon walls. Simply awe inspiring.
I am now tired and quite past processing any more photographs! So see here for the pilgrimage - more tomorrow on flickr! I have no idea if I have chosen the right one to blip for my 200th - but I did so love the ribbons, and hopefully the one I tied will bring what I hope for. 

P.S. Disney wanted to buy the glen for 5 million - can you imagine? Singing plastic gnomes, take your photo against the waterfall sitting on a giant plastic toadstool, rope wire walks and possibly flume rides??? 

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