Sunset Sparkles

I'm glad to report that Danny really IS on the mend, we all had A FULL NIGHTS SLEEP! The first in several nights!
Spent the morning pottering around the flat (I even ended up scrubbing the grouting between our bathroom floor tiles with a toothbrush - not an 'in use' one!)...our washing machine worked seriously hard...we made plans for this week...we booked circus tickets for Asha's birthday treat... Then a gorgeous late afternoon tootle down the tiny Ibicenco lanes...slowing down for each horse, goat, chicken etc etc... Asha loved it.

I liked this skeleton of a plant, especially against the setting sun...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha being off school - I love having her around... We even had a holiday frozen yogurt to celebrate!
2) Warmer weather - we were in t-shirts today!
3) Friendly people - noticed a lot of people really smiling at me in, proper, complete face, smiles! Lovely!

An extra grateful - Bulliblips cake constructing/decorating tips!!

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