Alternative Sunflower

Ok, I really need to stop using filters now! But at least this is a touch closer to the riot of colour I promised Mountainbrew the other day! ;-) It's some napkins underneath the bottom of a juice bottle.
I met Jud this morning, brilliant to be over by Sa Penya and see loads of the Roma guys...lots more speculation on when baby Hamp5on will make his appearance! Also did some birthday prep for Asha & bumped into loads of people in the so lovely to natter to had her top teeth keep falling down as she chatted! Everyone just seemed so genuinely caring today.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Living in a lovely many people to slow your progress as you walk down the street.
2) Wonderful emails.
3) People being available for a last minute casual get together for Asha's birthday this weekend - cake at the rocks...

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