Shade seeker

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
Jane Austen

It's not really a fine day, it's a sizzling day. I took this through the kitchen window because I could not face being out in the sunny garden enticing my friends. Here is a lovely female last evening when it was still too hot to believe. Sharpie was resting on his feeder wire hanging under the outside light. He found that little patch of shade and stayed a good five minutes, showing off.

For the Record,
This day came in with record setting heat. YUCK
Heat Advisory

Don't miss this blip of my nephew G taken by challenge yesterday when they parted ways till he's in the UK again...or she is here, Stateside. She has been our angel with gifts of food, friendship, West End fun and lens magic.xxxx

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