Closing a century of a life well lived.

The idea is to die young as late as possible.
~Ashley Montagu

Our dearest H, 100 years old last February passed peacefully early this morning. She died in her own bed, her loved ones at her side, and another just on the other side barely six months there to greet her. H was absolutely the youngest 100 year old. A child of the prairies, she came of age in a sod house. New pioneers, her family tamed virgin territory and opened new vistas. Last February she endured the death of her daughter, my dearest friend, B, taken too early with cancer. Rest in peace Helen Irene, for over 40 years you have been a second mother to me, to so many. I am a better person for your love and wonderful western style spunk. You are one now with your beautiful colorado Rocky Mountains, and they will always be my special reminder of you. xx

For the Record,
This day came in hot and humid without a breeze.

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