
By DawnAgain


There's no escaping the fact that Mr DawnAgain is now a fully-fledged birder. He goes to nature reserves and takes a rucksack with him containing things like binoculars and a bird identification book and spends time sitting in hides pointing his long lens at anything with wings. He also takes me with him, so that's okay. And so it was that we set off for Pagham nature reserve today and had a nice wander around. We saw oyster catchers, curlews, red shanks, egrets and the like but my camera lens isn't long enough for the distances involved so here's a gull.

Weather-wise it was a day of three halves. When we walked the dogs it tipped down and we had to change clothes when we got back; the middle section of the day (in Pagham, at any rate) was sunny and warm; and then as we arrived back home the heavens opened again and it's raining as I type, although there's still time for it to change again.

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