
By DawnAgain

Squirrels like suet too

Although Roger ultimately opted instead for a large helping of bird seed mix, even though it involved him hanging upside down for quite some time in order to consume it.

A quiet day for me today after a very noisy night, what with Storm Katie making one hell of a din outside and Mr DawnAgain coughing and wheezing inside like the ex-smoker he is. I gave up trying to sleep through what sounded like fence panels blowing over and garden furniture blowing away and listened to the BBC World Service until the inevitable power cut occurred. I must have finally dozed off at some point and it was a relief to wake up later this morning to find the house and garden intact after all and the lack of power was a good excuse to read for a few hours before finally taking the dogs out for a walk. There wasn't too much evidence of devastation around here, although a fallen tree had missed a neighbour's Aston Martin by inches.

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