Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Onward and Upwards

Well, ladies and gents it's been Easter and honestly I only ate 1 egg and it was relatively small. I mean I had 97 syns but that's neither here nor there.

I know it's been ages since I've said hello but honestly not a lot has been going on. After the sheer despair of my last post, I've tried to motivate myself to sort my uni work out (tried and failed). I will be getting on it though as all of my friends are being really kind and saying they will all help me. Which is very lovely of them. 

Easter weekend was lovely as Lee got to come up for a long weekend, where we did lots of fun things like go see my mum and dad. Now, Lee and my parents is beyond ridiculous like you have no idea how bizarre it is. The only way I can describe it, is that I'm the 4th wheel. Basically, they are all best friends and Lee is an angel from the heavens and I'm just with my G&T like... cool. Its almost embarrassing. 

Diet wise, I've really tried to pull it back from the weekend so I've been extra good. I'm going to my old SW group on Thursday and I want to make an impression. I'm on 13.5lbs and I'd love to be back to my stone. A girl can dream. As always, this is my SW blog if you are interested you can check it out.

Happy Blipping.

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