Because this is who I am

By Brighde


So. What to report I hear you ask. 

Well, I've officially broken up for Easter (yay). I would be beyond excited if it wasn't for the fact I failed my last project. Oh guys, I was so sad. Remember me talking about it? The foam board model and the church? Gosh, I'm still so annoyed I failed. I just think it was so unfair. I mean, a low mark yes but I feel failing is steep considering everything was there and presented. *sighs*

Non the less, I pick my fat ass up. Speaking of which, I gained 3lbs last week due to anniversary and general no shopping-ness. So, I've been really good starting from yesterday and today I even did a freaking work out! Go me! I'm going to try and make it a regular thing. The picture above is some aubergine pizzas I made, if you're interested you can see how I made them here along with some other great recipe ideas if you're a fellow Slimmer.

Happy Blipping.

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