Hooded Merganser

I'm posting backwards from 3/29, trying to get as many holes filled in my journal as possible.  I did miss taking a picture some days, but I've tried to keep up as best I can.  I will definitely have an abundance of aquatic critters to post as I'm now living on an estuary instead of a city street.  

This flashy little fellow is quite a show-off with his comical hairdo.  I put a really cute picture of a female hiding in the bushes in extras.  I have no idea if it's mating season or not, but that would be my guess.  I think she was trying to be coy. 

Oops -- a late edit here.  I think this is a female and not a male.  The males are more black and white and their crest is darker.  The females have the yellow-edged bill.  I'll get the hang of this duck ID business yet.  

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