
Katie has discovered what a joy it is to have mama accompany her on the piano as she plays her clarinet. I started learning because I wanted to be able to support her in her piano learning, as well as because I thought it would be a good, relatively cheap, something for me for myself. That its given us something we love together too has come as a bonus I didn't consider. And B loves it too, so she's happily finding things that Katie will enjoy and writing parts for me, and showing me new things as part of that. I've learnt a lot in the last couple of weeks of exploring this. 

Good and busy day today. We had a "doing" morning - Katie did an hour's clarinet, we cleaned the kitchen floor (well, Katie made a lot of watery floor-mess and chuckled away as she patted the bubbles she'd spread...) I finished the lounge walls as she danced to the Chili Peppers in her bedroom... I moved on to painting the kitchen as she danced some more. After lunch with a treat half hour of DVD, she did a good piano practise before we left on the bikes. 

We cycled a couple of miles with the purpose of visiting friends. Our arrival was greeted with easter nests and a cup of tea. We had some fun with Nerf guns, Katie played some piano, the children went off and played really nicely. We then cycled on a couple more miles to her swimming lesson. She did a good job with her lengths and her tumble turns. It seems her skulling leaves something to be desired this week - she's a little too elegant in her arms, making beautiful balletic movements instead of the small hand movements she's meant to do. 

We cycled home again and she decided we'd play Supercalifragilisticexpialidotious together. I'm a slightly sad mama as she's heading out for a sleepover with her ballet buddy, but I know she's going to have a fabulous time and when she returns at lunch time tomorrow we will be heading off for a couple of days mini-holiday with family. She's left in her leotard and "hole-tights", under her onesie. She showed her ballet teacher when they arrived. The girls have plans for a major choreography session. 

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