Blue on Mostly Blue

Our time in Florida is getting short (leaving on Sunday), so I thought I better get busy and post a few more birds.

I didn't have much to choose from. Some begging pelicans, some singing seagulls, and this big blue heron. This guy was perched on the roof of a carport.

Our friend Don (who lived with my M-I-L in her last few years) used to have a heron that would visit his house in Florida. Don would feed him a hot dog, and sometimes the heron wouldn't leave until Don gave him a second dog.

In the extras (I'VE ALMOST USED ALL OF MY EXTRAS!!) is a 3 foot Mahi-mahi for sale for 200 dollars. 200 DOLLARS!! I asked Lisa to unhook it and start running...but she refused.

We're off to my brother and S-I-L's for dinner, and then euchre with old people (ha) after dinner. We made a pasta dish, guessed it...strawberry shortcake for dessert.

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