The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A long day ...

I took Maisie for a walk along a disused railway line this morning  ..  it was extremely muddy, and she walked through as many puddles as she could. A couple of horses approached and I called to the riders that she'd never seen horses before, because I wasn't sure how she'd react, but she just sat and watched quietly as they went by.

I had a terrible dither this morning about whether I should even have got a dog - would it be too much of a tie? Would she ever be trained? I have turned into the irritating, dithering kind of person I used to have no time for!

This afternoon I drove out for a spot of bird watching. I spotted a possible rarity - and am awaiting confirmation ..  Maisie was sick in the footwell. She's normally a very good traveller so I suspect she'd eaten something disgusting!

As I drove home I saw my once friend (and refriending a bit because of our puppies) He was photographing this barn owl, so I stopped and took a few shots too. He asked if Maisie would like to play with his collie puppy, Ziggy. Ziggy's about the same age as Maisie. They had great fun running about and getting disgustingly filthy! Here they are ..

When I got her home I took her up to the shower. She was so good - she just sat there and let me shampoo her.

What a good girl.

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