Fishy Fungi?

What a busy day. Out this morning, then an afternoon spent first in the role of Membership Secretary for SeniorNet, processing new members, then ages listening to success stories  from a relative in Auckland who has tested DNA, and finally a very long phone call from another relative we call Mad Cousin D...  - all before I could even get down to looking at my Tiny Tuesday selection. Thank heavens I had made that first selection  last night. It was then it dawned on me that I didn't actually have a pic for today to hang the T.T. results on. So, quickly outside to a particularly large and ugly fungi that has sprung up beside the house. Does it look like to you that there is a fish swimming in the middle? Or have I been too long at the computer?

Now for my last Tiny Tuesday results. This  has had the highest number we have ever had contribute to Tiny Tuesday - 109 Blippers have given it a try this week. Sadly, I have only 5 hearts to share among the 109.   I have looked at beautiful flowers, stunning use of DOF, sparkling drops, intriguing treasures, fascinating jewelry and tiny objects that are of great significance to their owners. I wish I could reward them all but can only list a few personal choices while trying to include a variety. So...
Tiny Tuesday Hearts in no particular order go to:


And the Honourable Mentions (which are really hearts that have run out:)

Black Tulip  

To those who attempted T.T. for the first time - a brilliant effort and try again next week. Thanks to everyone who has participated over the past 5 Tuesdays. I have really enjoyed your blips and your comments.

Passing  the TT baton for next week to JDO.

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