View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

Do My Eyes Deceive Me...??

I have been a bit lax with Blip recently 0 sorry, been really busy with work! I promised to get out a bit and so I stole a few minutes this afternoon whilst there was still some blue in the sky... This Pylon (I don't really have a thing about pylons, although I do think they are really rather cool, and am slightly amused how people don't think that they are blots on the landscape, yet a wind turbine is - go figure??!!!) has featured in blips before on 31 Jan 12. This blip was taken whilst stood under this pylon looking in an easterly direction!!

I have had a cool idea for a blip series which I am going to try and start tomorrow. It is called pub signs! The idea will be to blip a different pub sign for the next 30 days. It struck me today as I drove past the 3rd pub today (sadly without going into any of them) that the pub sign really is a great British icon that rarely gets celebrated... If I can add any glitz to the story of it, then I will too. i already know which is going to be my first, and as it is on my way to Yeovil (where I have a work meeting, then it should be an easy grab)..... Please feel free to join in if you wish!

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