I got up fairly early this morning but it proved to be too early as I felt very weary at around 2pm and I went back to bed for a couple hours. Feel much better now.

I did a bit of cleaning in the bathroom and when I have finished on the computer I am going to venture into the back garden.  There is an unruly shrub which needs cutting back.  The first green bin collection of the year is next week and as I have paid for the service I would rather like to put out a full bin.

Spending the evening at my brother and sister in laws.  Until last year they lived just round the corner and I just used to walk there but now they live 7 miles away so one of them will come to give me a lift.  Will get back after midnight so I decided to blip before I went.

Had no idea what to do for Abstract Thursday and I remembered a challenge I read about on Facebook ages ago - a white on white shot.  There was a white ping pong ball in the white bath - for the cats to play with  - so I took a shot.  Then after a lot of faffing in Picasa I got this result.  I have put the original shot in Extras.

Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting the Abstract Thursday challenge

Steps today  - 5,399

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