Another Big Blipday!!

And another opportunity for me to say a HUGE thank you to all you lovely people who take the time to pop by and look at or comment on my journal!!

You’ve put up with me through thick and thin (including moments when I’ve totally lost the plot!), listened to my ramblings, rantings and ravings, and are always there with kind words… In return, I love browsing through your journals: sometimes you make me laugh, sometimes you’ve even made me cry, but most of all you make me smile…

I don’t claim to be a “proper photographer” but hunting for a blip every day continues to give me pleasure, even if it’s yet another flower or a photo of that darn fat fluffy cat! Some people list their favourite blips from their journals when they hit big milestones, but I’m too indecisive to choose just a few! So instead I give you a collage made from 1000 blips!! Well, 999 actually!!!

So once again, a HUGE thank you to all my lovely blip friends, and here’s to the next 1000!! :)

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