Aoraki/Mt Cook

Today we took the busy but well-manicured track to the Hooker Glacier. We crossed 3 swing bridges which were fun. Eventually we reached the end of the track, where another walker took this picture of us with Aoraki/Mt Cook behind. Little icebergs had calved off the glacier into the lake. it was glorious and sunny. We'd taken our rucksacks with all the bad weather gear, our lunch etc, but all we needed was the water, as the walk took far less time than expected. I think our walking book had been written before the path had been improved. We are loving the beautiful scenery - but so are hoards of other people, whereas at home we can walk without meeting anyone. I suppose NZ is a bit like the Lake Distruct here and pays the price of popularity. But we are so impressed by what a great job DOC does.

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