Happy 3rd Birthday Ella

Ella loved every minute of her birthday. She started out at soft play with little brother Nathaniel and cousin Thomas, then her friends arrived to join them at 10.30 am for her party. After an hour of soft play they had party food and games. They did pass the parcel and Hokey Kokey, followed by a singalong to "Let it Go". Not surprisingly, she fell asleep in the car going home, then later opened presents and read her books. We went with the family to Poons Chinese restaurant for an evening meal of dim sum and duck pancakes to complete the celebrations. I'm pleased to say there were no tears, tantrums, or anti-social behaviour from any of us throughout the whole day.

I'm going to give the Channel 4 "Indian Summers" a go tonight but doubt it could be as good as "Jewel in the Crown". I might even have a G & T.

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