
By Artminx


So today F had a meeting and our train wasn't until 8pm, am on it now heading back home. I could have mooched around the galleries but had a look for life drawing classes a week or two ago and found a Friday lunchtime drop in session at Artizan Street Community Library, not far from Liverpool Street Station.

I managed to get there in good time, the session is brilliantly managed, the easels and boards are all set up for you and you buy paper and charcoal etc there. So you can just turn up empty handed and draw.

The model was great, holding lots of ten/fifteen minute poses. I managed a few decent sketches, this, the final one being my favourite.

After that I walked over to Waterloo to meet F and his folks for a late lunch at the Union Jack club and then we headed back to Euston for dinner with his brother.

Sat on the train now, with a very full stomach and just wanting my bed.


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