Same Place, Different Castle, Different Helper

I was a couple hours into this sand castle, when this young lady approached me. She was from West Yorkshire in England (and I loved her accent.) She came and went many times. (Her mum kept calling her.)

"How do you do that?"

"A pile of sand, a lot of water, and then you carve."

(5 minutes later.) "Where did you learn to do it?"

"I watched a guy down here, and then I tried it.

(Another 5.) "Is it Hogwarts from Harry Potter?"

"I never saw the movie,, it's not Hogwarts. Did you see the movie?"

"Yes, I've seen every one, plus...I've read all the books." She saw my surprised look. "What? I'm the best reader in my class."

Another 5 minutes. "Sir, I know I'm being a wee bit of a bother...but could you teach me how do this?"

Look at that face. How could I resist?

Eliza was a good student. Yesterday she was at the Magic Kingdom at Disney World, and today she was helping an old man on his castle. Quite a vacation.

I did practice my arches (on the right.) 3 went up without fail, but the bottom one caved (twice), and had to be rebuilt.

In the extras is some pigeon love, and a photoshopped picture from the sunset.

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