Gitama's World

By Gitama

More Mud....More Mozzies...More Midges

...It has been a social day today.....a dear friend popped by this morning for a couple of hours and then we went to a friends Birthday lolly gag by the creek. I rarely go to social gatherings these days. I seem to of lost the filter to my feral side...Jaiya rolls her close friends love it and the others really don't know what to make of it all...the thing that I don't matter ........I have fun in my own little world.

This marvelous swimming hole is on my friends land......on the far right is a little waterfall...which today was running full. Flynn was the last one to leave the water....(I had to wait awhile for the bevy of nakedness to leave the creek first).

For a very short space of time the sunlight streamed through a gap in the tall trees onto the rock that the boy was standing on...this was the only one I got with this particular light.....which .....I can remember is so indicative to the 'light in Australia down @ the creek on the dark green water' was something I noticed when I first came to Australia and started to explore creeks and rivers.......I would like to explain further but it is one of those things I dont think I have the skill of doing...hopefully you might get the picture ('scuse pun) looking at this.

I had to post an extra 'cause that little guy look so beautiful against all that darkness...the sun is still on him but not those shafts.

It was wonderful to hang out with the folk by the creek today. Happy Birthday S.

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.”
- Shakespeare

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