
By Fisherking

.....lights of my life.......

The S & H has been off work today, looking after Charlotte..........he brought her over this afternoon to see Grand Bad.........we played games.....and read......later he went to collect Hannah from nursery...........Charlie, out of the blue, looked at me and said "I miss Grandma"...........I nearly lost it totally.......but I knew I couldn't....we just cuddled for a while............and then the phone rang.

It was my good friend G from work...just calling to see how I was.......and what she could get the happy couple for a wedding present......we talked about all sorts......but mainly the wedding.......she saved me.....although she didn't know it.

And then the S & H got back with the small dynamo.......Hannah..the two of them settled down to kids tv...the S & H and I had a talk, serious stuff.....the next installment of the inhertance from Helen's Dad had arrived in the post.......we ate......they left....the Daughter got home after visiting a friend after work..........I had an early night......for all the good it did me..more weird dreams...more hours of wakefulness.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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