The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A barn owl with a dodgy eye ..

Another day eaten up by dog related things! Starting with a trip to the park, where Maisie played with all sorts of different dogs and continued yesterday's triumph (her first poos in the park - or more importantly NOT in the yard at home!)

As I was driving out of the park I saw a chap with a bearded collie, so had to stop to have a chat with him, as so many people have commented that Maisie looks very beardie.

He took one look at her and pointed out her white mohican, her white ruff, her white feet and muzzle, white tail tip - all bearded collie things .. then I showed him her baby photos and he said that they were identical to photos of his dog at the same age. Eeeek - will Maisie really end up as big as his dog (extra photos)

In the afternoon we took a trip to Cleethorpes (via Pets at Home!)  to collect a table I'd bought on eBay (yes - also dog related - I got it because Maisie's crate would fit neatly underneath it)

Then home via a nature reserve. Dogs not allowed - but there's a path just around the edge. And I saw my first chiffchaff of the year ..

A quick trip to Sunk Island where I saw this barn owl - the third I owl I've seen recently with a damaged eye.

And home ...  and tired again ..

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