Good Morning

For several years my family owned and operated an Inn on Lopez Island off the coast of Washington.  We served breakfast only and there were so many deer around that it was no problem finding a home for our apple peelings and leftover fruit.  The deer would appear for "breakfast" and we got quite used to them waiting at the door for treats.   Imagine my "deja vu" moment when I parted the curtains this morning and found this sweet thing about two feet from the door.   Unlike the deer on the island, these creatures are fat and sassy and there are so many of them around the apartment complex that feeding them could start a stampede.  Lest you think I've reformed though, I do throw the occasional apple out the door but usually only when there are one or two.  I think these are the two and I have to say they were quick to learn where the apples come from.  Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have the deer, geese & ducks right on my doorstep.  One can get spoiled having them so close. 

Now if I could just find a squirrel.....

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