Family Dog

By Family_Dog

camping on ferry road

Staggering home at Ridiculous O'Clock this morning, we spotted this sign on a lamp post on Ferry Road.

Where the bloody hell is the campsite on Ferry Road? I just can't think.

What a shite holiday that would be!

Having pre-empted the hangover, me and Bry are slobbing on the sofa today. Arlo's at his granny's which feels weird. At one point I thought he'd just been sleeping for a really long time in the other room! Dur.

Tonight is pizza night. I am wondering if I will get changed out of my PJs....I am hoping not to but we're currently having a stand off for who's going to go and get the much needed bottles of Coke.

I play the 'it's my birthday' card.

I win! Woohooo!

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