Personal season opening

A terrific day and best conditions to go out for the first row in 2016. Sunny (and hazy), warm temperatures around 20 degrees and almost no wind. After starting we even had the idea to row to Stein am Rhein, may be have a coffee outside and then back. As we had a bit of a late start today, we then decided differently. Finally, we had a good round of 15 kilometers down on the Swiss side and coming back on the German side of the lake (see extra, my old iphone is perfect for route tracking, using the MotionX-App).

The nice thing on the lake right now is the absence of sport boats and the waves they produce (one reason because we row much earlier in the mornings during summer). When filling in the log book in the club house I realized that a first person has already achieved some 500 km during winter. Much more than I will have at the end of the whole season...

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