Highly Strung

We said goodbye to Mom this morning, it's been a lovely few days & we were sad to see her go...but as Asha said last night, 'Grandmaman needs to go home, so that Grandad's not sad.'
The rest of the day has been spent cleaning, washing & cycling on a pink bicycle...I'll leave you work out who did what! ;-)

In other news, we've found out that 20 homes in Sa Penya, housing a LOT of Romani Gypsies, will be evicted on the 26th & 27th of this month... We're wondering if J&S are amongst those who will be evicted...and wondering what on earth we can do to help...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Not having to live in fear that me & my family might lose our home at any moment.
2) Asha looking forward to going back to school tomorrow.
3) Mom getting home safely.

The pic is the strings from all the birthday balloons...currently anchored to a kitchen chair!

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