Two girls & a dog

So good to meet together as a community, catch up, and pray. 

Then this afternoon I had Asha, it was lovely to go down the road & play at a friend's's so lovely to have friends close by... in the middle I had to pop back to see our landlady & someone from the insurance (re the broken bathroom)...our landlady bought us a huge pot of flowers to say sorry about all the difficulties! I felt really touched...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finding out more about the Roma eviction situation.
2) Marco SH being back on the island after a few months away travelling.
3) Generous people... Carmen giving us flowers....Asha giving party bags to all the teachers & caretaker, as well as her class, 'so they'll feel happy' sister sending Asha a lovely parcel...Joha inviting us over to play & being generous with terrace time...etc etc...

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