There's an old Mill,,,,,

Limited Blip opportunities today as the isles were curtained in rain for most of the day.  Limited mobility too.  After rehearsing all year for the ten days of dancing now upon us I had to go to the Picky Sports injury clinic this afternoon.  I have been advised by the physio and masseur not to dance for the next ten days. 

The Current Mrs Creel is currently raking in the attic for my clockwork train set.  I bet you’d never catch Frank Hornby mincing about in the Valeta.  No - he would be redesigning his bogey-bolster.  CMC is forbidden from using the ‘D’ word for the duration.  There’s always next year.  However come next year will I still have the flexibility of a young ocelot ?  I feel it’s time for another of my monkey gland injection.

God Bless Dora Bryan.


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