Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Move Me On Down the Line

"I tell you, boy, every time
The feelin' sure is fine.
Just move me on down the line,
Just move me on down the line."

- Gibbons, Hill (ZZ Top)

As I noted in Sunday's blip, I've taken the training wheels off Mstr 5's little old wee bike. He's doing really well, and has got suddenly keen - to the point he wanted to ride to daycare this morning. So that's what he did.

He looks a bit comically-large for it, but he's doing a really good job, and when compared to his bigger bike, this one is probably more the sort of weight he can deal with at the moment. The fact his feet touch the ground so easily helps a lot with his confidence too, I think.

So. I wasn't planning to run, and didn't have a plaster over the abrasion on my big toe knuckle (where I hadn't removed the cardboard from my Tough Gloves on the first day I wore them ... idiot). However, the lad got up some speed on the way home (more downhill), and at times I had to really get up a head of steam to keep up. 8)

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