Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

THE cone of shame.

Dave had to bam wrangle both of them today while I was at work. Things we have learned so far:

1. We could easily house some rescue pigs very happily now too in the mud bath that once was my garden, but is no longer a garden, thanks to two dogs wrestling for Scotland. We could, but we won't.
2. If you have the cone of shame, you might as well go EXTRA LARGE. And as an aside, vets can be grumpy when it comes to rescues from overseas.
3. All amorous dogs can't be full on amorous indefinitely, the stamina goes in the end. Just like us humans (but not Thor, obviously).
4. Food makes for fighting talk. Feeding separately is the way to go.
5. The house is now gender balanced, and that includes the free range stick insect called Rudie that lives around the windowsill...because he is gender fluid.
6. No one can ever visit us. Ever. The house is pure dog and beyond saving. So we might as well take ALL the dogs. Actually, we'll just stick at two.
Lucky 7. Seeing two dogs have fun playing without a care in the world is like a shot of the best stuff.

And I'll let the garden slide...for now anyway.

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