Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Water under the bridge

Met up with some old colleagues from twenty years ago tonight; we did a course for wannabe NHS leaders together, all that norming and storming and forming stuff. Must have been okay because we all ended up as Directors of various NHS bodies at different points, although I am glad to say those days are beyond me as I take a long slow trajectory to other things. It was rather lovely to catch up and we had an excellent curry in Drummond Street, which has hardly changed in decades - same old hard seats and great value food.

However, it has made me even more thoughtful than ever about where I go from here... but it's late and I'm too tired. Besides, I have another trip in  my personal tardis tomorrow - meeting up with an old friend and colleague from thirty years ago who is over from Oz ...must be my week for retrospection ...

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