Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Return of the Gefilte Fish

Last night's Passover meal being so extensive, we came home with leftovers and served up the gefilte fish as a starter when our friends came over for dinner tonight. It was an ideal first course, being relatively light and very tasty, and was served with some sourdough purchased from our Bread Ahead friends in Borough Market. 

We slept late as the previous evening had seen us get to bed after one in the morning, and went to see the Aged P. This was very pleasant until we went to go when she flipped, suddenly, unexpectedly and uncharacteristically into panic. It was as if the last eight months had never happened and she had no idea where she was and was afraid of abandonment.  This is the curse of dementia: you are thrown into an alternative reality that has no meaning for you.

Much to think about at the moment, in this respect. The fragile nature of reality is a very interesting concept and one which I find increasingly preoccupies me...

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