Pre Flight Check

The Boss is very interested in this sort of thing and was chuffed to see this Seagull checking its trim before taking off..
Yeh I kno…Beats me too.
Early morning around Wellington’s wharf area is always a delight but this is the pic that we chose for today. Auckland tomoro and a catch up with Jim and “D”

Many will be aware that NZ just had a referendum on a flag and the majority wanted the old one kept. It was actually about 10% difference which is not a huge majority, but like most things these days it got wonderfully politicised which virtually guaranteed we were not going to get a flag that our Prime Minister liked.   
Anyway the new flag that was rejected was a design based around the Silver Fern and this morning The Boss spotted this beautiful steel sculpture on the Wellington waterfront and had to lie on his tummy to get this shot.
It commemorated the departure of Troops in 1934.


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