Piggy City...

Wiltshire is renowned for its pork production (Bowyers sausages were established in Trowbridge) and outdoor organic farms such as this are a surprisingly common sight around here.

BUT is was SO windy!! Up on this hill I nearly got blown away and trying to handhold this non-stabilised 135-400mm lens was akin to aiming a bow and arrow side on in a gale. I could have given up but instead, I whacked up the iso to allow shutter speeds of over 1/5000 of a second. 

I could see heavy showers back over Salisbury, which thankfully blew away before getting to me but I did wear my Craghoppers proper waterproof coat, after getting caught out in yesterday's hailstorm. It was also cold enough for gloves - winter is not over, yet! 

Pork chops for tea, anyone?? 

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