Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo


A quick run out before I headed back into work to cover an evening shift tonight, I decided on my break,to heat up a chilli and some rice in the microwave.

But the kitchen cupboard had other ideas and swung back open with the metal handle catching me unaware on my temple.

It did knock me back and it's now very tender.

I'm hoping it doesn't have a lasting effect as I must have had the weirdest of dreams last night.

I'm usually up for 6.20 am to get to work, but just before six I woke as I heard someone banging on my bedroom door, firstly I thought Theo had gone into a seizure and that P had come out of her room banging on my door to wake me up to help out, But as I went out onto the landing saw no sign, I went into her bedroom and asked her what she was playing at as I hadn't overslept.

Realising now that I had just woke her up asking her that question:( whoops. I don't know what I'd been dreaming about but I will just say this for the last two evenings I have been working on dermatology a rather large department in the hospital.

But it did use to be the old psychiatric ward!!!! Spooky

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