
By DanielleMason

Gettysburg National Park

Travelling through the Appalachian Mountains and Buchanan State Park, we finally came upon the iconic fences lining Gettysburg National Park. The boys have learned much about European History from the middle age period through World War II and the beaches of Normandy.

We'll save the Revolutionary War sites for another trip. For now, we started in Gettysburg, travelled past the Mason-Dixon line and visited historic sites of the Civl War. Nick initially referred to it as "Seville."

Patrick was familiar with key points of the war and helpful to his brothers. Connor & Nick didn't fully understand the significance of the battlefield until they watched a program about it later. They realized they stood at a similar point that President Lincoln did when he assessed the number of asualties and deaths on the field.

It was a lot to take in but a part of American history they all want to learn more about. All in all a phenomenal summer day.

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