Upper east side overload

Day 2: started with breakfast at the legendary Norma's at Le Parker Meridien. Lots of interesting conversations overheard as New Yorks' movers and shakers moved and shaked. Although the vast waste of food from people simply nibbling at huge, oversize portions was gobsmacking. No such problems for me as I packed away my chocolate French toast.

Then a shortcut through the Park to spend the morning in the upper east side: gawping at the beautiful houses, dodging the falling cherry blossom, observing the 6 year olds in chinos, blazers and bow ties being bred as the Wall Street Bankers of the future. A quick crab chowder lunch at Sarabeth's (where I quelled the urge to yell "Bitsy!" and see how may doyennes turned round) and then a wander back through the northern reaches of the Park. The blip is the trees of Central Park reflected in the windows of the Jewish Museum.

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