The world keeps turning

with every year seeming to pass a little quicker.

I remember every minute of his arrival into the world, including the experience of 'seeing' tigers roaming the ceiling of my room on the delivery ward after pethidine was administered 24 hours into the labour and of his father complaining that the chair that he had to sit in was "uncomfortable". If it hadn't have been for the epidural by that point, I would have got off the bed and ripped his throat out!!!  Haha.

Anyway, now he has hit another milestone.  

All that matters to me is that I am proud of him every day and there isn't a day where I would want for him to change.  He has probably been over indulged at times, as an only child, and in a subconscious way to ensure that he hasn't ever missed out because of my decision 10 and a half years ago.  Despite that, he is generous and remarkably level headed and realistic about how the world works and how he intends to find his way into it.

Even this week, when he has had to go into school, every day, in the second week of his holiday, to study Maths from 10 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon - not a word of complaint, just acceptance that this is what he needs to do to secure his next steps in his education.

We bought him a record player - a lovely little Grausch turntable with its own carry case (see extras).  Had so much fun educating him in its use and the look on his face as we listened to Comfortably Numb was just wonderful.  Then his face when I changed the speed to 45 and then 78 rpm was fabulous - his generation have missed out on a world of fun with records!   

We went out this evening to a recently opened restaurant - called "The Pit - Smokehouse".  Food and service was great, although we all had bigger eyes than stomachs.  Corin and Lewis did sterling work in minimising food waste.  James and I tried hard, but clearly we have less capacity!   Lovely talk with them about films, music, Lew's potential university choices and the consideration of accommodation or travel.  Conversations that felt very comfortable and very mature.

Tomorrow evening, I am taking the boys to watch Muse in Manchester and then on Saturday, I am stepping back in time by approximately 30 years to go into town with James to a RECORD SHOP ... I am perhaps too excited about it!

So, James, know that I love you beyond any words that I possibly have and for as long as I continue to stand on this tiny speck of dust that we call Earth, I will always be proud of you.  Unless you become a master criminal.  Then I will disown you!!!

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