A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


As sets go, this was epic.
Sadly, it was only really for this part of the concert that James had any sort of clear view as there was a couple stood in front of us, the whole time, stood up, whilst all of the rows behind them remained seated, because we had some courtesy to each other.  To be fair, I am not physically able to stand for a full concert either, hence why I paid for SEATS!!!
Guys in the row behind us even tried to resolve the issue on our behalf after my polite request was declined.  To no avail.  However, we all did cheer and clap when they sat down an hour into the concert. 
I truly hope that karma visits them both.

However, the music was awesome and that's the important bit.  There was some fantastic stage set up as well - amazing video projections that created spectacular visuals.  There were also 12 giant 'floating' orbs which were actually drone controlled - we saw them working (and prior to the concert admired the sheer bravery of the technicians who climbed up rope ladders to manage the technology from a floating office in the ceiling - balls of steel!)

So, felt bad for James.  Felt bad because when we booked we couldn't purchase enough tickets so that Rae and her mum could come with us.

Despite the angst, well worth it just to hear them live.

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