
By Croft16

G's daffs (but a late change, see below)

..lots of e-mails flying about today. The camera club booked the village hall on Thursday 14th. Seems the hall committee think they had it booked too. Sorted now, we have it..

Pricked out some herb seedlings this morning, and put the brassicas out to harden off. Then a harvest and delivery to the hotel.

It may be dry enough to plough tomorrow, amazing, as it had standing water yesterday..

A pic of G's diffs, being half Welsh, she loves to see them.

Broadband is down again, a major fault in our area. God job I have this new phone!! :-)

Edit: Some good aurora tonight. A bright curtain from W to E horizons when I went out first. Came back in to get camera, tripod, change battery, a quick post on facebook, coat on, wellies on and a walk up the hill by torchlight. And this was the best I got!! Both 30 second exposures, Tanni did well to stay still in the extra!..

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