Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Squirrel Blip Friday: Looking Up

My little friends are always available for a photoshoot.  I try to get something a little different every time since they hang around long enough for multiple shots.  Today I liked this one looking up at him from under the tree.  :-)

I've decided that I need to turn my comments off again.  I was doing really well keeping up with everything until I got sick and I didn't feel like doing anything.  When I started feeling better I couldn't wait to get outside, thus postponing things that really need to be done even longer. Now my den is filled with piles of mail, sewing, correspondence - not to mention a ton of laundry and housework!  So, I will do it the same way as last time.  I'll still post my blips every day and look at your blips and read your journals so I will stay current but instead of comments, I'll only be sprinkling stars and hearts.  Please bear with me, I'll be back on in about a week. :-)

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