Views of my world

By rosamund


The weather was miserable today so Christine and I challenged ourselves to do a 3 mile walk in the rain along to Fort George and back. We were thoroughly soaked by the time we got back but were glowing with endorphins and looking forward to a big meal tonight with Cailean & Cat.

After lunch we went into Nairn to drop Noah off at the swimming pool while Christine, Freya and I visited an amazing Antique place near Auldearn which was set in an idyllic rural location and housed in an old church and the manse courtyard. They had lots of lovely things but nothing I was prepared to part with any cash for (mainly because I don't have over £100 to splurge on something that has no practical use but just looks nice). I'm really getting a taste for browsing interesting antique shops, might be a fun thing to do in interesting locations with nice tearooms nearby.

After Auldearn Antiques we went into Nairn for a coffee then picked up Noah from swimming. He had had a ball and really enjoyed himself. On the way back we found a lovely stained glass artist workshop not far from Christine's house, she got a lovely pair of fused glass earrings but I was very good and abstained.

We had a lovely family meal together which Freya and I helped prepare with lots of peeling and chopping. Christine's quiche was too die for and the apple crumble and custard was just like grandma used to make - delicious! It was so nice to spend more time with the cousins then have a chilled out evening after everyone had gone home. We're all a bit knackered so it'll be an early night tonight ahead of the long drive home tomorrow.

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