Views of my world

By rosamund


Drove home from Christine's today vis the scenic route, down Loch Ness to Fort William then down to Crianlarich and along Loch Lomondside. In miles it's actually slightly less than the A9 route and is much more picturesque if you want to meander along on an adventure like us.

We left at 11 and took our time going down Loch Ness with a brief stop at the Nessie cents at Drumnadrochit as the children had never been there before. We had lunch at the side of the loch and continued on to Fort William where we had a quick comfort break. We were all enjoying the scenery and stopped just as we entered Glen Coe from the north for a bit of a walk and photo opp as the weather was absolutely glorious.

After the walk I felt energised and refreshed and headed straight for home. Carlos got home from work early and was there to greet us when we got in just after 5. I cooked and we all had a nice meal together, Carlos was especially glad of the home-cooking as he has been living on ready meals while we were gone. I got a special pass from Carlos so that I could go out to knitting as I haven't seen much of the crafty sheeple as we all seemed to be away at the one time.

I walked down to the shop and got a good bit of knitting done. It was nice to catch up with the folks who were there and ooh and ah over new stock, sale stock and new books in the shop - too many choices, all lovely! I walked home in a slight drizzle but hardly got wet at all. Not much in store tomorrow, might poop up to the nursery to see if it's still in one piece.

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